Introducing Tata Structura Offer!

Offers & Deals

tata Structura offer

How to avail

  • On checkout page, on offers and deals applied, Click on edit button.
  • Select the discount code named “STRUCTURAFABDEAL ” and apply.

Terms and conditions:

  • Use the code STRUCTURAFABDEAL to get a 2% instant discount on purchase of Tata Structura and Tata Ezyfit products
  • The maximum instant discount which can be availed for a customer is Rs.30,000/-
  • Offer valid on all orders/payment option using any banks
  • The instant discount shall be calculated on the price of Tata Structura and Tata Ezyfit products at the time of placing the order.
  • Discount is valid till 26th November 2025.
  • Offer is valid only for registered/login customers.
  • The code STRUCTURAFABDEAL  can be used multiple times, until Rs 30000/- Discount, is consumed by a customer. Once the discount is exhausted by the customer, then code shall be inactive for that customer login.
  • This discount is only applicable on the purchase of Tata Structura and Tata Ezyfit through (website and application)
  • Tata Steel reserves the right to discontinue the discount at any point of time.