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Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadVastu Shastra in Modern Architecture The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSecuring Your Dream Home: A Guide to quality assurance in home building materials The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadTraditional Materials in Contemporary Design The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSustainable building practices in India The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
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Home designsJan 08 2025| 2.00 min ReadLatest Trends In Smart Home Devices Discover the most latest and popular kitchen design trends and change your cooking space for 2022. Expert opinion is given here! Click to Know More!
HOME BUILDERSJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadA Step-by-Step Guide to Building a New Home – The 2021 Editome Building your new home is a dream of many would-be homeowners. Learn how to build your own home with this complete step-by-step guide. Click to Read!
Home designsJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadHome Building Professional - Who They Are & What They Do Experts and Specialists You Need for Home Construction · 1. Architects. · 2. Civil & Electrical Engineers. · 3. Contractors. · 4. Masons. Click to Read More!
FOOTING, CONSTRUCTION, RCC, REBARJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadStep-by-Step Guide to Home Construction Discover the ultimate guide on building construction with our detailed step-by-step home construction process. Learn how to build a house efficiently and create your dream home with expert tips and advice.
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FAMILY,ARCHITECTURE,CONSTRUCTION,HOUSE,DESIGN,HOMES,HOUSE-PLANJan 08 2025| 3.30 min ReadThey say, “Money Can’t Buy You Love” A dream home requires design and features according to individual's requirement but there are factors to consider while designing that apply to every home.
CONSTRUCTION, RCC, HOUSE, SAND, SEAJan 07 2025| 3.30 min ReadSand makes a sea of difference in construction Sea sand properties does not fit it as construction material to build a rock-solid structure and the size & shape of the sand particles affect the structure.
ARCHITECTURE,CONSTRUCTION,HOUSE,HOMES,HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 2.30 min Read10 Most Popular House Styles in the World Get inspired by the many house architectural styles to which you may refer. Adapting western styles to vintage and getting house design ideas.
CONSTRUCTION, BEAM, HOUSE, STEEL, STIRRUPS, HOMESJan 07 2025| 3.30 min ReadLaying the Foundations Purpose of using stirrups during construction · It helps in the resistance to lateral shear and the stability of steel bar reinforcement. Click to Know More!
Latest Blogs
HOUSE, DOORS, DESIGN, HOMES, HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 4.15 min ReadPlan open spaces in your home for light, air and new-age thinking Align your designs with New-Age thinking that balances the aesthetics and function of open spaces via doors and windows to let light and air into your home.
HOUSEJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadBuilding on Budget – Ways to Lower Building Costs Here are some effective ways in which you can reduce your building budget without impacting the comfort and quality of your house.
HOUSEJan 07 2025| 3.45 min ReadTop 6 Reasons Why You Should Build a New Home There are a variety of reasons why you would decide to build a new home rather than purchase an existing "home." Here are the top 6 reasons you haven't heard.
FOOTING, CONSTRUCTION, RCC, REBARJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadStep-by-Step Guide to Home Construction Discover the ultimate guide on building construction with our detailed step-by-step home construction process. Learn how to build a house efficiently and create your dream home with expert tips and advice.
Latest Blogs
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadVastu Shastra in Modern Architecture The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSecuring Your Dream Home: A Guide to quality assurance in home building materials The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadTraditional Materials in Contemporary Design The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSustainable building practices in India The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
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WIREFeb 01 2023| 3.45 min ReadBest 10 DIY Home Décor Ideas for your House DIY Home Decor Ideas · Here are 10 DIY home décor ideas for adding colourful touches to each room of your house, from wall art to shelves to cushions.
HOUSE,HOMESFeb 01 2023| 3.45 min ReadHow Easy or Difficult it is Today to Rent an Apartment in Metro Cities? Renting a property can lead to a lot of different challenges. Here are a few things you should plan before you jump in order to avoid problems in the future.
HOMES, MAINTENANCEFeb 01 2023| 2.30 min ReadThe Home Maintenance Guide Use this home maintenance checklist to plan and organize your seasonal improvements, repairs, cleaning, and a few monthly responsibilites. Click to Know More!
HOUSEFeb 01 2023| 2.30 min ReadThe Top Mistakes to Avoid When Building your First Home Mistake #1: Poor Space Planning & Design, Mistake #2:A Complicated House Design Mistake #3:Not Considering Unforeseen Delays & Expenses & More.
TIPS AND TRICKSFeb 01 2023| 2.30 min ReadBuild Yourself a Summer Getaway Want to Create Your Own Summer Getaway? Let's look at some fascinating things you can do to brighten your day and ready your home for the summer.
Feb 01 2023| 2.30 min Read10 Ideas To Make Your Home Pet Friendly Leave your pet-proofing worries behind with our list of quick and nifty tips and set out to make your home better and more pet friendly.
Fencing solutionsFeb 01 2023| 3.00 min ReadDesign Your Home Colour Pallete Pick your perfect interior color schemes to create your own colour scheme by integrating your favourite colour scheme into multiple areas of your home.
ARCHITECTUREFeb 01 2023| 3.00 min ReadThe Real Estate Industry in India By 2030, the Indian real estate industry is anticipated to be worth INR 65.10 trillion. This is the country's second most important source of employment.
Interior productsFeb 01 2023| 3.00 min ReadSolar Panels: Yes or No? Let’s understand solar energy, solar panels, the benefits, and disadvantages so that you can make an informed decision of adopting the lifestyle.
DESIGNFeb 02 2023| 3.45 min ReadTop Interior Designers In India Top 10 Interior Designers in India · Lipika Sud · Sunita Kohli · Amir Sharma · Ajay Shah · Anuradha Aggarwal · Manit Rastogi · Tanya Gyani · Sanjyt Syngh
HOUSEFeb 02 2023| 2.30 min ReadWhat are the Toxins in your Home? Common Household Toxins · 1. Plastic Food Containers 2. Air Fresheners 3. Cleaning Products 4. Perfumes 5. Fabric & Upholstery Sprays 6. Cosmetics & More
Farming or gardening toolsFeb 02 2023| 3.00 min ReadBest Plants for your House Here is a list of best plants for your home potted indoor & around the house, you can purify the air and create a more relaxing and calming ambience.
GARDENING, HOBBIES, RECREATIONFeb 02 2023| 3.00 min ReadThe Emergence of Gardening as a Hobby Home Garderning is an engaging, relaxing and fruitful activity, it yields multiple benefits. Read on to know these benefits of the best gardening practises.
Interior productsFeb 02 2023| 3.00 min ReadHow To Estimate Your Home Building Cost Home Construction Cost Calculator by tata aashiyana can assist you to determine approximate home construction cost based your choice of materials.
Feb 02 2023| 2.30 min ReadWhat are the Best Ways to Heat your Home? Looking for an efficient and quick ways to heat your home? 1. Energy Efficient Room Heater 2. Heating Stove 3. Fireplace 4. Insulate the Doors, Windows & More
TIPS AND TRICKSFeb 14 2023| 4.00 min ReadHow To Soundproof A Room The quickest and simplest basic way to soundproof a room to increase the amount of material within the room's boundaries. Click to Know More!
Home DesignFeb 14 2023| 4.00 min ReadMust-Have Home Features for Retirees Features senior citizens should in a home · To make living comfortable, safe, and accessible to all people, regardless of height or physical ability.
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HOUSEOct 23 2023| 3.45 min ReadHow to Protect your Home this Monsoon Season? During rainy season, even a little hole in the roof or a fracture in the wall might damper your mood. Inspect your home for the items listed below.
HOUSEOct 23 2023| 4.15 min ReadTips to Transform your Home Office With the Work from home becoming the new normal, it has become important you transformed your home office to your comfort to increase your productivity.
CONSTRUCTIONOct 25 2023| 2.30 min ReadChoosing The Right Roofing Materials Roofing Materials play a big role and not only its functionality as has to be considered, the aesthetics aspects also needs to be looked into. Click to Read!
HOMESOct 25 2023| 4.15 min ReadThe Home Fragrance You Should Buy According To Your Zodiac Sign Read on to learn a little more about the perfect fragrance that match your zodiac sign and enliven your home. Click to Know More!
Oct 25 2023| 2.30 min ReadSound Foundations Mean Sound Homes Home's foundation is the structure on which the entire home will rest. The advice given here will allow you to build a reliable foundation. Click to Know More!
TERMITE, SECURITY, SAFETY, MAINTAINANCE, DOORS, WINDOWSOct 25 2023| 2.30 min ReadAll about Doors: Factory-engineered to perfection Everything you need to know about your home's doors, including how to select, the security aspect and other features, is discussed here. Click to Read!
Farming or gardening toolsOct 25 2023| 3.00 min ReadSay Goodbye to Plastic – Maintaining a Plastic-Free Home! Without further elaborating on the harm plastics cause, let’s help you tackle the more significant challenge of how to get rid of plastic at home.
CONSTRUCTIONOct 25 2023| 3.45 min ReadA Leaky Roof? DIY It for the Rains! 7 DIY tips in this Blog, using roofing tar is simply one method to stop a roof leak in the rain. Discover how to create a quick fix from the experts!
DécorOct 25 2023| 2.00 min ReadKitchen Trends - The 2021 Edit Discover the most latest and popular kitchen design trends and change your cooking space for 2022. Expert opinion is given here! Click to Know More!
DESIGNFeb 13 2024| 3.00 min Read15 Unique DIY Wall Art Ideas, Let Every Wall Tell a Story Walls of your house tells about your personality and you shoud be ensure you have got it right, Here are some great ideas for DIY Wall Art for you.
WIREFeb 13 2024| 3.45 min Read7 Best Housewarming Gifts that Won’t Disappoint Gifts are meant to be personal as well as functional which can get confusing at time. We have you covered with our curated list of housewarming gift ideas.
TIPS AND TRICKSApr 02 2024|Navigating Cost Overruns: Essential Strategies for Construction Project Managers In the construction industry, cost overruns are not an alien concept. Though several factors are responsible for cost overruns when a project goes beyond the estimated budget, both the profitability of the construction and the reputation of the professionals are compromised.
Home designsJul 03 2024| 2.00 min Read5 Tips to Remember During Home Construction for Families with Infants Provides architects and construction professionals with valuable insights on designing homes for families with infants. It highlights the importance of considering the family`s evolving needs and prioritizing safety for young children. Open Floor Plan: Opt for an open-concept layout to enhance spaciousness, connectivity, and parental supervision. Strategic Room Placement: Position bedrooms close to the living area for easy access and monitoring. Safety Features: Prioritize safety with features like rounded corners, non-slip flooring, and secure windows. Adaptability: Design spaces that can be easily modified as the child grows, such as convertible rooms and flexible furniture. Storage Solutions: Integrate ample storage solutions to keep the house organized and clutter-free. By incorporating these tips, architects can create safe, functional, and adaptable homes that cater to the specific needs of families with young children.
TIPS AND TRICKSSep 03 2024|preserving cultural identity modernity tradition architecture Balancing tradition and modernity in architecture is challenging but essential. Our latest blog dives into strategies like integrating traditional elements and leveraging technology to create culturally resonant designs. Learn how Tata Steel Aashiyana is building for the future while honoring the past. #Architecture #CulturalIdentity #TataSteelAashiyana
Home designsNov 25 2024| 2.00 min ReadBalancing tradition and modernity: Designing a home that honours heritage Digital tools for modern builders: How technology is transforming home construction Designing a home that blends Indian classical aesthetics with modern styles is more than just a creative challenge—it's about preserving heritage while embracing innovation. From incorporating traditional materials like terracotta and reclaimed wood to merging jharokhas with sleek interiors, this guide explores how to craft spaces that honor legacy while staying functional and timeless. Dive into practical tips and inspiration for building homes where the past and present coexist seamlessly. 🌿 #TataSteelAashiyana #HeritageHomes #ModernDesign #IndianArchitecture #HomeDesign #Architects #LegacyBuilders
Jan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadThe Different Types Of Foundations Click here to know all the types of building foundation used for building. Tata Steel Aashiyana share the complete detailed of foundations used in building.
REBARJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadUnderstanding RCC Construction & Structural Loads Tata Steel Aashiyana shares in depth information about the Re-inforced concerete & types of structural loads. Click here to know more!
WINDOW, HOMESJan 07 2025| 4.15 min ReadWindows That Wow Your home can be lifted and changed into a brightly lit and well-ventilated paradise with the correct window design. Spend time picking on the right window.
Fencing solutionsJan 07 2025| 3.00 min ReadA Day in the Life of Construction Worker India's economy is one of the fastest-growing & the construction sector is crucial to it. Let's go through the problems & laws that an worker faces each day.
CONSTRUCTION, BINDING-WIRE, WIRE, REBARJan 07 2025| 3.30 min ReadBind with the best Binding wires also known as annealed wires must be flexible enough to tie yet strong enough to hold the joint of the rebars to keep the structure intact.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|5 Groundbreaking Construction Materials Shaping the Future When discussing the construction industry, materials and technology are often addressed as distinct entities. However, with the changing times, the construction industry has not only accepted and embraced but also integrated technology in several aspects of construction. click to know more!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Beyond Bricks: Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions with TiscoBuild by Tata Homes are built one brick at a time. However, do we care about those bricks? The ones stacked upon each other, reinforced with cement to follow the design, do we give a thought while selecting those bricks? Often, building professionals pay attention to design detail and metal selection for sustainability or structural integrity. Since bricks are made of clay, very little consideration is given towards their impact on nature. In this blog, we will understand the shortcomings of traditional bricks and how TiscoBuild by Tata has emerged as a modern solution.
ARCHITECTUREJan 07 2025| 4.15 min ReadInnovation In Construction Technology Top 5 Construction Innovations That Changed Construction Forever 1. Drones 2. Smart Infrastructure 3. BIM Software 4. Material Advancement & More.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Door Design Dynamics: Elevating Home Aesthetics with Tata Pravesh A home holds a unique place in everyone's heart, and the first point of connection with it often begins at the door. While architectural design, colour schemes, and overall aesthetics play integral roles in shaping a home, the door emerges as a focal point that can profoundly impact both its perceived value and the ambience it exudes. As construction professionals, it's imperative to possess a comprehensive understanding of both aesthetic principles and functional design elements. In this blog, we delve into various door designs, exploring how they contribute to the overall value and appeal of a structure.
Home designsJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadSummer Home Maintenance Hacks Summer Home Maintenance Checklist · 1. Repair & Repaint 2. Prepare To Stay Cool 3. Don't Miss The Roof 4. Keep Your Grass Green 5. Check Your Gutters & More
HOMESJan 07 2025| 3.45 min ReadBring Home Nature With Natural Stone Though indoor gardens and plants are a great way to bring home nature, Natural stones are an excellent way to add distinct textures and charm to your decor.
CONSTRUCTION, BEAM, HOUSE, STEEL, STIRRUPS, HOMESJan 07 2025|What an Architect Must Remember while Designing a Farmhouse Designing a farmhouse is about more than just aesthetics—it's about blending functionality, sustainability, and a deep connection to the environment. Our latest blog explores the key considerations for architects, from site analysis to ensuring comfort and safety. Discover how Tata Steel Aashiyana helps create farmhouses that are both practical and beautifully integrated with their rural surroundings. #FarmhouseDesign #SustainableArchitecture #TataSteelAashiyana
TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, STORAGE, SHEDJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadHow to Maintain your Tools? Tools are useful for home improvements. To get the most out of the tools, they should be cleaned, stored, and maintained properly. Click to Know More!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Building Future: Embracing Prefabricated Construction The construction industry is ever-evolving, and prefabricated construction can be traced as a catalyst in leading this change. The concept of prefabricated construction revolves around constructing elements off-site and transporting them to the site to incorporate into the project. Click here to know more
DREAMHOME,, HOUSE, GREEN,, HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadUsing Pocket Doors and Barn Doors to Optimise Space Space is luxury—let’s make the most of it. In today’s home-design landscape, pocket and barn doors aren’t just trends; they’re an absolute essential. Whether it’s pocket doors that disappear into walls or barn doors that blend rustic charm with modern function, these home building solutions give you greater room to breathe and make the space come alive. For architects and engineers, this isn’t just about space continuity and division, but about opening up endless design possibilities. Ready to rethink how doors can shape your next project? #TataSteelAashiyana #Blog #BarnDoors #PocketDoors #SpaceOptimisation
HOME BUILDERSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadAddressing Labour Shortage: Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Skilled Construction Workers The foundation of a strong project? A skilled workforce. But the construction industry faces a major challenge today—labour shortage. In India, where the construction sector is crucial for economic growth, this shortage impacts project timelines, costs, and overall efficiency. To tackle this, we need to go beyond traditional hiring and rethink recruitment and retention strategies. From investing in skill development to creating a safer, more rewarding work environment, it’s time to build a sustainable future for construction. Let’s empower the workforce and ensure the industry thrives. #TataSteelAashiyana #Blog #LabourShortage #ConstructionInnovation #SkillDevelopment #BuildIndia
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|5 Steps to Sync Style and Purpose in Your Home Design Home is where the heart is, but what does the heart fall for? While anyone can build a house, it takes a keen eye to design a home for a loving family. This can only be achieved by balancing aesthetics and functionality.
CONSTRUCTIONJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadSolid Vs Engineered Hardwood Floors Engineered vs. Solid Hardwood Floors: Here are some differences between Solid & Engineered Hardwood Floors to make an informed decision. Click to Know More!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min Read8 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Doors into Open Floor Plans Seamlessly integrating doors into open floor plans is a key to achieving both functionality and aesthetic appeal. From pocket doors to bi-fold and acoustic panel doors, thoughtful planning ensures that your living space maintains fluidity while offering flexibility when needed. Discover how you can enhance modern living with these 8 essential door design ideas, all while keeping your home's style intact. #OpenFloorPlans #HomeDesign #InteriorDesign #ModernLiving #ArchitecturalSolutions #TataSteelAashiyana #Doors #InteriorInspiration #SmartHomes #HomeImprovement
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Debunking myths about prefabricated construction The construction industry is undergoing constant changes due to innovations. The industry is reshaping and reimagining itself through new and sustainable ways to execute designs. Prefabricated construction is also one of the innovations responsible for a new wave of creativity in the industry.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Eco-Conscious Construction 101: Strategies for Building Greener Communities 21st-century consumers are environmentally conscious of their purchase decisions. People are attempting to reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing second-hand clothing or choosing materials made from sustainable alternatives to plastic. While building homes for such environmentally conscious clients, it's imperative to prioritise environmental sustainability.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadHome Construction and the Need for Strategic Colour Selection This blog explores the importance of strategic colour selection in home construction. It argues that colour is a powerful tool that can be used to: * **Optimize spatial perception:** Colour can be used to make rooms feel larger or smaller, brighter or darker. * **Foster emotional resonance:** Colour can evoke different emotions, such as calm, excitement, or creativity. * **Shape the way we interact with our surroundings:** Colour can be used to create specific moods and atmospheres in a space. The blog also discusses the principles of colour psychology and how they can be applied to home design. By understanding how colour affects people, professionals can create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. **Key takeaways:** * Colour is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance the functionality and beauty of homes. * Understanding the principles of colour psychology can help professionals create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Blueprints to Bytes: The Digital Revolution in Construction The 21st century is known for its technological advancements and integration of artificial intelligence to enhance the efficiency of the task and the quality of the result. No industry can prevent the wave of technological integration, and the construction industry is no exception to this. Post-covid, it can be noticed that the construction industry has stepped out into the world, equipped with technology and artificial intelligence despite all odds. Amidst global challenges, the construction sector has emerged as a beacon of resilience, embracing technological innovations and AI-driven solutions to propel itself forward into a new era of efficiency and excellence in technology.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadRenovation Revolution: Transforming Existing Homes for Modern Living As we modernize our lifestyles, our homes must evolve too! From enhancing sustainability to integrating smart technologies, renovations are key to transforming older homes into future-ready spaces—without losing their charm. Learn how architects & engineers can balance modernity with tradition in this blog. #HomeRenovation #Sustainability #ModernLiving #SmartHomes #ArchitecturalDesign #TataSteelAashiyana
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Building Homes in Different Landscapes in India India’s rich landscapes present architects with a myriad of challenges and opportunities
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Cheat Sheet to Managing the Top 5 Challenges of the Construction Industry The construction industry is the driving force of the nation's progress. The last two decades have seen rapid development in terms of technology and infrastructure. Though our landscapes are adorned with skyscrapers and highways, that doesn't make the industry immune to challenges.
Farming or gardening toolsJan 07 2025| 3.00 min ReadGive Your Home Winter Ready Here is a helpful checklist to help you battling winter damage to your home and enjoy the relaxing cool weather! Click to Read More!
Home designsJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadDigital tools for modern builders: How technology is transforming home construction The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
FOOTING, CONSTRUCTION, RCC, REBARJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadStep-by-Step Guide to Home Construction Discover the ultimate guide on building construction with our detailed step-by-step home construction process. Learn how to build a house efficiently and create your dream home with expert tips and advice.
HOME BUILDING GUIDE, SUSTAINABLE HOME BUILDING, ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY HOMEJan 07 2025|Green Pro Certification Tata Steel Aashiyana is a GreenPro, means that the products are certified, helping an eco friendly consumer in making a best choice to buy eco-friendly products.
HOUSEJan 07 2025| 3.45 min ReadTop 6 Reasons Why You Should Build a New Home There are a variety of reasons why you would decide to build a new home rather than purchase an existing "home." Here are the top 6 reasons you haven't heard.
CONSTRUCTION, BEAM, HOUSE, STEEL, STIRRUPS, HOMESJan 07 2025| 3.30 min ReadLaying the Foundations Purpose of using stirrups during construction · It helps in the resistance to lateral shear and the stability of steel bar reinforcement. Click to Know More!
Fencing solutionsJan 07 2025| 3.00 min ReadA Brief History of Human Houses and Homes Human race has come a long way from evolutions and revolutions which has changed its way of living. Read on to know about this stupendous journey.
Home GuideJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadThe Building Materials Guide – Understanding Primary Materials Used The most common building materials used building project for various components of a home's construction include concrete, steel, wood, masonry, and stone.
FOOTING, CONSTRUCTION, RCC, REBARJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadGet a solid footing Footings are an important part of your home's foundation. Readymade footings are built from a prefabricated rebar that have many benefits over regular footings.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Decoding the latest construction trends in India The construction industry in India is on the cusp of expansion. The Indian infrastructure industry is driven by factors such as urbanisation, technological enhancements, and rapidly increasing consumer awareness. The newfound emphasis on housing projects, coupled with consumers aspiring to build a domestic or commercial space, fuels the market.
Jan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadThe 5 Types Of Home Construction System Important points Your home's roof, walls, and floor were all constructed using the same materials, that together comprise your construction system.
ARCHITECTURE,CONSTRUCTION,HOUSE,HOMES,HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 2.30 min Read10 Most Popular House Styles in the World Get inspired by the many house architectural styles to which you may refer. Adapting western styles to vintage and getting house design ideas.
Home designsJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadHome Building Professional - Who They Are & What They Do Experts and Specialists You Need for Home Construction · 1. Architects. · 2. Civil & Electrical Engineers. · 3. Contractors. · 4. Masons. Click to Read More!
HOUSEJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadBuilding on Budget – Ways to Lower Building Costs Here are some effective ways in which you can reduce your building budget without impacting the comfort and quality of your house.
DREAMHOME,, HOUSE, GREEN,, HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 3.45 min Read10 Ways to Go Green with your Dream Home and Save the Environment Initiatives of building eco-friendly and energy saving houses which leads to reducing carbon footprint and in conserving the environment.
HOUSE, HOMES, HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 2.30 min Read10 Famous Houses in Pop Culture Let’s recall the legendary houses of Pop Culture which you wish to make your address too. Get inspired to add a little quirk in your home.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadHow To Remove Mold From Your Roof Guide for Algae & Moss Removal on Your Roof · 1. Using Pressure Washers 2. Using Water-Bleach Mixture 3.Using Trisodium Phosphate & More. Click to Know More!
CONSTRUCTION, RCC, HOUSE, SAND, SEAJan 07 2025| 3.30 min ReadSand makes a sea of difference in construction Sea sand properties does not fit it as construction material to build a rock-solid structure and the size & shape of the sand particles affect the structure.
Home GuideJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadQuestions to Ask Before Building a New Home Questions to Ask a Home Builder · Asking the correct questions of your builder before signing a building contract can save you a lot of time and headaches.
TERMITE, SECURITY, SAFETY, MAINTAINANCE, DOORS, WINDOWSJan 07 2025| 3.30 min Read6 things that you did not know that are affecting your doors and windows Your home's doors and windows shield you from hot summers and cold winters, rainstorms, and hailstorms. Despite any weather, they are persistent.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 4.00 min ReadHow to Build an Energy Efficient Home Energy Efficient Homes aims at reducing energy consumption in the house. This can be achieved through several tips & advanced house engineering. Click to Read More!
HOME BUILDERSJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadA Step-by-Step Guide to Building a New Home – The 2021 Editome Building your new home is a dream of many would-be homeowners. Learn how to build your own home with this complete step-by-step guide. Click to Read!
HOUSE, DOORS, HOMESJan 07 2025| 4.15 min ReadWhy You Should Pay Attention To The Doors In Your Home There are a lot of factors to look into before selecting doors for your home & you should pay attention to them as they affects functionality & other things.
Home designsJan 07 2025|Things to consider for incorporating noise reduction in home building The familiar expression, 'Walls have ears', speaks to the human habit of eavesdropping. However, it is worth noting that the design of a structure impacts how noise travels through a space. As construction professionals, it is crucial to understand how acoustics work in a house and how they impact those who live in the space.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|5 Key Considerations for Seamlessly Integrating Home Extensions with Existing Structures Designing a house is always an architectural challenge, as it needs to offer the necessary warmth of a home. It is essential to create a space that caters to both practical and emotional needs. However, many architects face a bigger challenge while designing an extension for the existing structure. To ensure such projects are done impeccably, we will be discussing 5 key considerations that can help architects choose the right approach to seamlessly integrate home extensions.
HOUSE, DOORS, DESIGN, HOMES, HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 4.15 min ReadPlan open spaces in your home for light, air and new-age thinking Align your designs with New-Age thinking that balances the aesthetics and function of open spaces via doors and windows to let light and air into your home.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 3.00 min ReadTips to build a new home in 2021 The journey from buying a plot of land to constructing your own home on it is pretty amusing. It takes a long time and requires your complete dedication.
Home designsJan 08 2025| 2.00 min ReadLatest Trends In Smart Home Devices Discover the most latest and popular kitchen design trends and change your cooking space for 2022. Expert opinion is given here! Click to Know More!
HOME BUILDING GUIDE, SUSTAINABLE HOME BUILDING, ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY HOMEJan 08 2025|Crafting Home: Architectural Insights for Personalised Living For individuals seeking to build their dream homes, the process represents a deeply personal and significant undertaking. Recognising this, professional architects understand the importance of approaching each project with mindfulness and care. Customised home design isn't just about creating aesthetically pleasing spaces; it's about providing value to clients by fulfilling their unique needs and preferences.While architects may have their distinct styles and design philosophies, the ultimate goal is to ensure that the house reflects the style and personality of its owners. After all, a home is more than just a structure; it's a reflection of its inhabitants' identities and aspirations. Therefore, architects strive to create a house that not only meets functional requirements but also resonates deeply with those who will call it home. In this blog, we will be discussing a few factors architects must factor in while designing a custom home.
Jan 08 2025| 2.30 min ReadSelecting Your Building Location – A Complete Checklist Factors to consider for home location · selecting the right location for their house provides a good standard of living and excellent returns.
Jan 08 2025| 2.30 min ReadReasons to Build a New Home Reasons to Build A Custom Home · When building a new house, you may often select the site, floor plan, and style to meet your personal choices and budget.
HOMESJan 08 2025| 3.45 min Read12 of Our Best Tips for Buying a House There are various factors to consider while buying in the very competitive home market. We have picked some of the top home-buying tips as a service to you.
Farming or gardening toolsJan 08 2025| 3.00 min ReadGive your Home a Vintage Touch Here are some ideas for creating your home a retro edge and vintage styling by applying a few styling techniques. Click to Read More!
Jan 08 2025| 2.30 min ReadCelebrating 3 Years in Business We all celebrate being 3 years in business! We're looking at innumerable milestones to help us build & grow better and keep customers happy & satisfied.
FAMILY,ARCHITECTURE,CONSTRUCTION,HOUSE,DESIGN,HOMES,HOUSE-PLANJan 08 2025| 3.30 min ReadThey say, “Money Can’t Buy You Love” A dream home requires design and features according to individual's requirement but there are factors to consider while designing that apply to every home.
Home GuideJan 08 2025| 2.30 min ReadA Guide To More Sustainable Living People are starting to realize how important it is to adopt sustainable living habits. Here are the simple and easy steps to make your home more sustainable.
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSustainable building practices in India The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadTraditional Materials in Contemporary Design The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSecuring Your Dream Home: A Guide to quality assurance in home building materials The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadVastu Shastra in Modern Architecture The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Interior productsFeb 02 2023| 3.00 min ReadHow To Estimate Your Home Building Cost Home Construction Cost Calculator by tata aashiyana can assist you to determine approximate home construction cost based your choice of materials.
Home GuideJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadThe Building Materials Guide – Understanding Primary Materials Used The most common building materials used building project for various components of a home's construction include concrete, steel, wood, masonry, and stone.
Home GuideJan 08 2025| 2.30 min ReadA Guide To More Sustainable Living People are starting to realize how important it is to adopt sustainable living habits. Here are the simple and easy steps to make your home more sustainable.
Home GuideJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadQuestions to Ask Before Building a New Home Questions to Ask a Home Builder · Asking the correct questions of your builder before signing a building contract can save you a lot of time and headaches.
HOME BUILDING GUIDE, SUSTAINABLE HOME BUILDING, ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY HOMEJan 08 2025|Crafting Home: Architectural Insights for Personalised Living For individuals seeking to build their dream homes, the process represents a deeply personal and significant undertaking. Recognising this, professional architects understand the importance of approaching each project with mindfulness and care. Customised home design isn't just about creating aesthetically pleasing spaces; it's about providing value to clients by fulfilling their unique needs and preferences.While architects may have their distinct styles and design philosophies, the ultimate goal is to ensure that the house reflects the style and personality of its owners. After all, a home is more than just a structure; it's a reflection of its inhabitants' identities and aspirations. Therefore, architects strive to create a house that not only meets functional requirements but also resonates deeply with those who will call it home. In this blog, we will be discussing a few factors architects must factor in while designing a custom home.
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadVastu Shastra in Modern Architecture The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSecuring Your Dream Home: A Guide to quality assurance in home building materials The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadTraditional Materials in Contemporary Design The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
Home designsMar 12 2025| 2.00 min ReadSustainable building practices in India The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
HOME BUILDING GUIDE, SUSTAINABLE HOME BUILDING, ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY HOMEJan 08 2025|Crafting Home: Architectural Insights for Personalised Living For individuals seeking to build their dream homes, the process represents a deeply personal and significant undertaking. Recognising this, professional architects understand the importance of approaching each project with mindfulness and care. Customised home design isn't just about creating aesthetically pleasing spaces; it's about providing value to clients by fulfilling their unique needs and preferences.While architects may have their distinct styles and design philosophies, the ultimate goal is to ensure that the house reflects the style and personality of its owners. After all, a home is more than just a structure; it's a reflection of its inhabitants' identities and aspirations. Therefore, architects strive to create a house that not only meets functional requirements but also resonates deeply with those who will call it home. In this blog, we will be discussing a few factors architects must factor in while designing a custom home.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 3.00 min ReadTips to build a new home in 2021 The journey from buying a plot of land to constructing your own home on it is pretty amusing. It takes a long time and requires your complete dedication.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|5 Key Considerations for Seamlessly Integrating Home Extensions with Existing Structures Designing a house is always an architectural challenge, as it needs to offer the necessary warmth of a home. It is essential to create a space that caters to both practical and emotional needs. However, many architects face a bigger challenge while designing an extension for the existing structure. To ensure such projects are done impeccably, we will be discussing 5 key considerations that can help architects choose the right approach to seamlessly integrate home extensions.
Home designsJan 07 2025|Things to consider for incorporating noise reduction in home building The familiar expression, 'Walls have ears', speaks to the human habit of eavesdropping. However, it is worth noting that the design of a structure impacts how noise travels through a space. As construction professionals, it is crucial to understand how acoustics work in a house and how they impact those who live in the space.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 4.00 min ReadHow to Build an Energy Efficient Home Energy Efficient Homes aims at reducing energy consumption in the house. This can be achieved through several tips & advanced house engineering. Click to Read More!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.30 min ReadHow To Remove Mold From Your Roof Guide for Algae & Moss Removal on Your Roof · 1. Using Pressure Washers 2. Using Water-Bleach Mixture 3.Using Trisodium Phosphate & More. Click to Know More!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Decoding the latest construction trends in India The construction industry in India is on the cusp of expansion. The Indian infrastructure industry is driven by factors such as urbanisation, technological enhancements, and rapidly increasing consumer awareness. The newfound emphasis on housing projects, coupled with consumers aspiring to build a domestic or commercial space, fuels the market.
FOOTING, CONSTRUCTION, RCC, REBARJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadStep-by-Step Guide to Home Construction Discover the ultimate guide on building construction with our detailed step-by-step home construction process. Learn how to build a house efficiently and create your dream home with expert tips and advice.
Home designsJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadDigital tools for modern builders: How technology is transforming home construction The future of home construction is here! 🚀 From drones for site surveys to BIM for precise planning, technology is transforming how builders create homes—faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 🏡 Discover the tools modern builders swear by and how they’re shaping the industry. #TataSteelAashiyana #HomeBuilding #SmartConstruction #ModernBuilders #ConstructionTechnology #InnovativeHomes
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Cheat Sheet to Managing the Top 5 Challenges of the Construction Industry The construction industry is the driving force of the nation's progress. The last two decades have seen rapid development in terms of technology and infrastructure. Though our landscapes are adorned with skyscrapers and highways, that doesn't make the industry immune to challenges.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Building Homes in Different Landscapes in India India’s rich landscapes present architects with a myriad of challenges and opportunities
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadRenovation Revolution: Transforming Existing Homes for Modern Living As we modernize our lifestyles, our homes must evolve too! From enhancing sustainability to integrating smart technologies, renovations are key to transforming older homes into future-ready spaces—without losing their charm. Learn how architects & engineers can balance modernity with tradition in this blog. #HomeRenovation #Sustainability #ModernLiving #SmartHomes #ArchitecturalDesign #TataSteelAashiyana
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Blueprints to Bytes: The Digital Revolution in Construction The 21st century is known for its technological advancements and integration of artificial intelligence to enhance the efficiency of the task and the quality of the result. No industry can prevent the wave of technological integration, and the construction industry is no exception to this. Post-covid, it can be noticed that the construction industry has stepped out into the world, equipped with technology and artificial intelligence despite all odds. Amidst global challenges, the construction sector has emerged as a beacon of resilience, embracing technological innovations and AI-driven solutions to propel itself forward into a new era of efficiency and excellence in technology.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadHome Construction and the Need for Strategic Colour Selection This blog explores the importance of strategic colour selection in home construction. It argues that colour is a powerful tool that can be used to: * **Optimize spatial perception:** Colour can be used to make rooms feel larger or smaller, brighter or darker. * **Foster emotional resonance:** Colour can evoke different emotions, such as calm, excitement, or creativity. * **Shape the way we interact with our surroundings:** Colour can be used to create specific moods and atmospheres in a space. The blog also discusses the principles of colour psychology and how they can be applied to home design. By understanding how colour affects people, professionals can create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. **Key takeaways:** * Colour is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance the functionality and beauty of homes. * Understanding the principles of colour psychology can help professionals create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Eco-Conscious Construction 101: Strategies for Building Greener Communities 21st-century consumers are environmentally conscious of their purchase decisions. People are attempting to reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing second-hand clothing or choosing materials made from sustainable alternatives to plastic. While building homes for such environmentally conscious clients, it's imperative to prioritise environmental sustainability.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Debunking myths about prefabricated construction The construction industry is undergoing constant changes due to innovations. The industry is reshaping and reimagining itself through new and sustainable ways to execute designs. Prefabricated construction is also one of the innovations responsible for a new wave of creativity in the industry.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min Read8 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Doors into Open Floor Plans Seamlessly integrating doors into open floor plans is a key to achieving both functionality and aesthetic appeal. From pocket doors to bi-fold and acoustic panel doors, thoughtful planning ensures that your living space maintains fluidity while offering flexibility when needed. Discover how you can enhance modern living with these 8 essential door design ideas, all while keeping your home's style intact. #OpenFloorPlans #HomeDesign #InteriorDesign #ModernLiving #ArchitecturalSolutions #TataSteelAashiyana #Doors #InteriorInspiration #SmartHomes #HomeImprovement
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|5 Steps to Sync Style and Purpose in Your Home Design Home is where the heart is, but what does the heart fall for? While anyone can build a house, it takes a keen eye to design a home for a loving family. This can only be achieved by balancing aesthetics and functionality.
HOME BUILDERSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadAddressing Labour Shortage: Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Skilled Construction Workers The foundation of a strong project? A skilled workforce. But the construction industry faces a major challenge today—labour shortage. In India, where the construction sector is crucial for economic growth, this shortage impacts project timelines, costs, and overall efficiency. To tackle this, we need to go beyond traditional hiring and rethink recruitment and retention strategies. From investing in skill development to creating a safer, more rewarding work environment, it’s time to build a sustainable future for construction. Let’s empower the workforce and ensure the industry thrives. #TataSteelAashiyana #Blog #LabourShortage #ConstructionInnovation #SkillDevelopment #BuildIndia
DREAMHOME,, HOUSE, GREEN,, HOUSE-PLANJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadUsing Pocket Doors and Barn Doors to Optimise Space Space is luxury—let’s make the most of it. In today’s home-design landscape, pocket and barn doors aren’t just trends; they’re an absolute essential. Whether it’s pocket doors that disappear into walls or barn doors that blend rustic charm with modern function, these home building solutions give you greater room to breathe and make the space come alive. For architects and engineers, this isn’t just about space continuity and division, but about opening up endless design possibilities. Ready to rethink how doors can shape your next project? #TataSteelAashiyana #Blog #BarnDoors #PocketDoors #SpaceOptimisation
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Building Future: Embracing Prefabricated Construction The construction industry is ever-evolving, and prefabricated construction can be traced as a catalyst in leading this change. The concept of prefabricated construction revolves around constructing elements off-site and transporting them to the site to incorporate into the project. Click here to know more
CONSTRUCTION, BEAM, HOUSE, STEEL, STIRRUPS, HOMESJan 07 2025|What an Architect Must Remember while Designing a Farmhouse Designing a farmhouse is about more than just aesthetics—it's about blending functionality, sustainability, and a deep connection to the environment. Our latest blog explores the key considerations for architects, from site analysis to ensuring comfort and safety. Discover how Tata Steel Aashiyana helps create farmhouses that are both practical and beautifully integrated with their rural surroundings. #FarmhouseDesign #SustainableArchitecture #TataSteelAashiyana
Home designsJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadSummer Home Maintenance Hacks Summer Home Maintenance Checklist · 1. Repair & Repaint 2. Prepare To Stay Cool 3. Don't Miss The Roof 4. Keep Your Grass Green 5. Check Your Gutters & More
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Door Design Dynamics: Elevating Home Aesthetics with Tata Pravesh A home holds a unique place in everyone's heart, and the first point of connection with it often begins at the door. While architectural design, colour schemes, and overall aesthetics play integral roles in shaping a home, the door emerges as a focal point that can profoundly impact both its perceived value and the ambience it exudes. As construction professionals, it's imperative to possess a comprehensive understanding of both aesthetic principles and functional design elements. In this blog, we delve into various door designs, exploring how they contribute to the overall value and appeal of a structure.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Beyond Bricks: Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions with TiscoBuild by Tata Homes are built one brick at a time. However, do we care about those bricks? The ones stacked upon each other, reinforced with cement to follow the design, do we give a thought while selecting those bricks? Often, building professionals pay attention to design detail and metal selection for sustainability or structural integrity. Since bricks are made of clay, very little consideration is given towards their impact on nature. In this blog, we will understand the shortcomings of traditional bricks and how TiscoBuild by Tata has emerged as a modern solution.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|5 Groundbreaking Construction Materials Shaping the Future When discussing the construction industry, materials and technology are often addressed as distinct entities. However, with the changing times, the construction industry has not only accepted and embraced but also integrated technology in several aspects of construction. click to know more!
Home designsNov 25 2024| 2.00 min ReadBalancing tradition and modernity: Designing a home that honours heritage Digital tools for modern builders: How technology is transforming home construction Designing a home that blends Indian classical aesthetics with modern styles is more than just a creative challenge—it's about preserving heritage while embracing innovation. From incorporating traditional materials like terracotta and reclaimed wood to merging jharokhas with sleek interiors, this guide explores how to craft spaces that honor legacy while staying functional and timeless. Dive into practical tips and inspiration for building homes where the past and present coexist seamlessly. 🌿 #TataSteelAashiyana #HeritageHomes #ModernDesign #IndianArchitecture #HomeDesign #Architects #LegacyBuilders
TIPS AND TRICKSSep 03 2024|preserving cultural identity modernity tradition architecture Balancing tradition and modernity in architecture is challenging but essential. Our latest blog dives into strategies like integrating traditional elements and leveraging technology to create culturally resonant designs. Learn how Tata Steel Aashiyana is building for the future while honoring the past. #Architecture #CulturalIdentity #TataSteelAashiyana
Home designsJul 03 2024| 2.00 min Read5 Tips to Remember During Home Construction for Families with Infants Provides architects and construction professionals with valuable insights on designing homes for families with infants. It highlights the importance of considering the family`s evolving needs and prioritizing safety for young children. Open Floor Plan: Opt for an open-concept layout to enhance spaciousness, connectivity, and parental supervision. Strategic Room Placement: Position bedrooms close to the living area for easy access and monitoring. Safety Features: Prioritize safety with features like rounded corners, non-slip flooring, and secure windows. Adaptability: Design spaces that can be easily modified as the child grows, such as convertible rooms and flexible furniture. Storage Solutions: Integrate ample storage solutions to keep the house organized and clutter-free. By incorporating these tips, architects can create safe, functional, and adaptable homes that cater to the specific needs of families with young children.
TIPS AND TRICKSApr 02 2024|Navigating Cost Overruns: Essential Strategies for Construction Project Managers In the construction industry, cost overruns are not an alien concept. Though several factors are responsible for cost overruns when a project goes beyond the estimated budget, both the profitability of the construction and the reputation of the professionals are compromised.
TIPS AND TRICKSFeb 14 2023| 4.00 min ReadHow To Soundproof A Room The quickest and simplest basic way to soundproof a room to increase the amount of material within the room's boundaries. Click to Know More!
TIPS AND TRICKSFeb 01 2023| 2.30 min ReadBuild Yourself a Summer Getaway Want to Create Your Own Summer Getaway? Let's look at some fascinating things you can do to brighten your day and ready your home for the summer.
DécorOct 25 2023| 2.00 min ReadKitchen Trends - The 2021 Edit Discover the most latest and popular kitchen design trends and change your cooking space for 2022. Expert opinion is given here! Click to Know More!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Door Design Dynamics: Elevating Home Aesthetics with Tata Pravesh A home holds a unique place in everyone's heart, and the first point of connection with it often begins at the door. While architectural design, colour schemes, and overall aesthetics play integral roles in shaping a home, the door emerges as a focal point that can profoundly impact both its perceived value and the ambience it exudes. As construction professionals, it's imperative to possess a comprehensive understanding of both aesthetic principles and functional design elements. In this blog, we delve into various door designs, exploring how they contribute to the overall value and appeal of a structure.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadHome Construction and the Need for Strategic Colour Selection This blog explores the importance of strategic colour selection in home construction. It argues that colour is a powerful tool that can be used to: * **Optimize spatial perception:** Colour can be used to make rooms feel larger or smaller, brighter or darker. * **Foster emotional resonance:** Colour can evoke different emotions, such as calm, excitement, or creativity. * **Shape the way we interact with our surroundings:** Colour can be used to create specific moods and atmospheres in a space. The blog also discusses the principles of colour psychology and how they can be applied to home design. By understanding how colour affects people, professionals can create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. **Key takeaways:** * Colour is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance the functionality and beauty of homes. * Understanding the principles of colour psychology can help professionals create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadRenovation Revolution: Transforming Existing Homes for Modern Living As we modernize our lifestyles, our homes must evolve too! From enhancing sustainability to integrating smart technologies, renovations are key to transforming older homes into future-ready spaces—without losing their charm. Learn how architects & engineers can balance modernity with tradition in this blog. #HomeRenovation #Sustainability #ModernLiving #SmartHomes #ArchitecturalDesign #TataSteelAashiyana
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min Read8 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Doors into Open Floor Plans Seamlessly integrating doors into open floor plans is a key to achieving both functionality and aesthetic appeal. From pocket doors to bi-fold and acoustic panel doors, thoughtful planning ensures that your living space maintains fluidity while offering flexibility when needed. Discover how you can enhance modern living with these 8 essential door design ideas, all while keeping your home's style intact. #OpenFloorPlans #HomeDesign #InteriorDesign #ModernLiving #ArchitecturalSolutions #TataSteelAashiyana #Doors #InteriorInspiration #SmartHomes #HomeImprovement
Home DesignFeb 14 2023| 4.00 min ReadMust-Have Home Features for Retirees Features senior citizens should in a home · To make living comfortable, safe, and accessible to all people, regardless of height or physical ability.
Home DesignFeb 23 2023| 4.00 min ReadHome Building Mistakes That Could Cost You Planning to build your First House can be overwhelmning. There are some factors to consider before you making any mistakes. Here's the list to your rescue.
Home designsJan 08 2025| 2.00 min ReadLatest Trends In Smart Home Devices Discover the most latest and popular kitchen design trends and change your cooking space for 2022. Expert opinion is given here! Click to Know More!
TIPS AND TRICKSJan 07 2025|Door Design Dynamics: Elevating Home Aesthetics with Tata Pravesh A home holds a unique place in everyone's heart, and the first point of connection with it often begins at the door. While architectural design, colour schemes, and overall aesthetics play integral roles in shaping a home, the door emerges as a focal point that can profoundly impact both its perceived value and the ambience it exudes. As construction professionals, it's imperative to possess a comprehensive understanding of both aesthetic principles and functional design elements. In this blog, we delve into various door designs, exploring how they contribute to the overall value and appeal of a structure.
TIPS AND TRICKSSep 03 2024|preserving cultural identity modernity tradition architecture Balancing tradition and modernity in architecture is challenging but essential. Our latest blog dives into strategies like integrating traditional elements and leveraging technology to create culturally resonant designs. Learn how Tata Steel Aashiyana is building for the future while honoring the past. #Architecture #CulturalIdentity #TataSteelAashiyana
HOME BUILDERSJan 07 2025| 2.00 min ReadAddressing Labour Shortage: Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Skilled Construction Workers The foundation of a strong project? A skilled workforce. But the construction industry faces a major challenge today—labour shortage. In India, where the construction sector is crucial for economic growth, this shortage impacts project timelines, costs, and overall efficiency. To tackle this, we need to go beyond traditional hiring and rethink recruitment and retention strategies. From investing in skill development to creating a safer, more rewarding work environment, it’s time to build a sustainable future for construction. Let’s empower the workforce and ensure the industry thrives. #TataSteelAashiyana #Blog #LabourShortage #ConstructionInnovation #SkillDevelopment #BuildIndia
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