Beyond Bricks: Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions with TiscoBuild by Tata

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Beyond Bricks: Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions with TiscoBuild by Tata

Homes are built one brick at a time. However, do we care about those bricks? The ones stacked upon each other, reinforced with cement to follow the design, do we give a thought while selecting those bricks? Often, building professionals pay attention to design detail and metal selection for sustainability or structural integrity. Since bricks are made of clay, very little consideration is given towards their impact on nature. In this blog, we will understand the shortcomings of traditional bricks and how TiscoBuild by Tata has emerged as a modern solution.

The process of making traditional bricks

In making traditional red bricks in India, clay-rich soil is mixed with water, sometimes with sand or ash added. The mixture is moulded into brick shapes, dried under the sun, and fired in kilns to strengthen them for use in construction.

Challenges caused by red bricks

Extended construction period:

Modern consumers demand rapid execution of construction. In such conditions, traditional red bricks pose a challenge as they are heavy to move and require longer installation times, hindering the pace of construction and potentially increasing labour costs.

High Energy Consumption:

The firing process in traditional brick kilns requires significant amounts of energy, usually sourced from wood or coal. This contributes to deforestation, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Air Pollution:

Brick kilns emit pollutants, including particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide, causing air pollution and health risks to nearby communities.

Water Consumption:

Brickmaking necessitates significant amounts of water, both for mixing the soil and for cooling the fired bricks, which can strain local water resources, particularly in regions already facing water scarcity.

Waste Generation:

The process of making bricks generates waste materials, such as unused soil and ash from firing. If not handled properly, these materials can cause disposal issues and contribute to environmental pollution.

Alternative by Tata

As a professional in the construction industry, it's crucial to recognise the limitations of traditional bricks. They are unsustainable and pose logistical challenges due to their weight and risk of breakage during installation. It's important to consider these factors and explore alternative materials for a successful construction project. Considering these factors, Tata has come up with TiscoBuild

Reasons to choose TiscoBuild

Faster Construction:

TiscoBuild Comfort Blocks are lighter and easier to handle, leading to quicker installation and reduced labour costs compared to traditional red bricks, thus addressing extended construction periods.

Lower Environmental Impact:

TiscoBuild Comfort Blocks are produced using advanced autoclaving technology, consuming less energy and emitting fewer pollutants compared to traditional brick kilns, thus reducing energy consumption, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Water Conservation:

These blocks require less water for production, helping to conserve local water resources and mitigating the strain on water-scarce regions caused by traditional brick making processes.

Improved Safety:

With superior fire resistance and termite resistance, TiscoBuild Blocks offer enhanced safety features compared to traditional red bricks, reducing the risk of structural damage from fires and pest infestations.

Long-Term Cost Savings:

Due to their thermal insulation properties and durability, TiscoBuild Blocks can lead to reduced energy costs for heating and cooling, as well as fewer maintenance expenses over time compared to traditional bricks, making them a cost-effective and sustainable choice for construction projects.

In conclusion, for construction professionals navigating material choices, the adoption of TiscoBuild Comfort Blocks by Tata offers a compelling solution. These blocks deliver superior thermal insulation, fire resistance, and durability, surpassing the limitations of traditional red bricks. By integrating TiscoBuild into their projects, construction professionals not only address environmental concerns but also ensure structural excellence and sustainability. In selecting TiscoBuild, they propel the industry towards a more resilient and environmentally conscious future. To know more about TiscoBuild by Tata click here.

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